Tam Tien Fish Market
Tam Tien Fish Market
Tam Tien Fish Market


Price: Free

Phone: 0987046428

Time to visit a place: 120 minutes

Open Time: 3:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 AM

Email: luannx@quangnam.org.vn

Address: Thôn Ngọc An, Tam Tien Commnune, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Province

Tam Tien Market is located in Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province. About 15 km from Tam Ky city, it will not take you too long to move here. However, this market is mostly known by locals and has not yet been exploited for tourism. The reason is that it usually meets early in the morning when tourists are still asleep. To see this market, you should visit from 4 am to 5 am. There will be just a few fishermen left in the market if you are a bit late!  The reason behind this early routine is that it is dusk when fishermen go back from their night-sea adventures. Ritually, fishermen depart about 3 pm the former day and return to the mainland at around 3 am, 4 am the next morning. Traders and fishermen's families always gather at about that time and wait for the freshest seafood from the ocean.  Looking at this daily market, we hardly believe that Tam Tien market has existed for more than 15 years. In the past, this was merely a place where ships dock. Later, when the number of fishing boats increased, traders gathered more to create a bustling place like today. Seafood used to be ... See more



Tam Tien Market is located in Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province. About 15 km from Tam Ky city, it will not take you too long to move here. However, this market is mostly known by locals and has not yet been exploited for tourism. The reason is that it usually meets early in the morning when tourists are still asleep. To see this market, you should visit from 4 am to 5 am. There will be just a few fishermen left in the market if you are a bit late! 

The reason behind this early routine is that it is dusk when fishermen go back from their night-sea adventures. Ritually, fishermen depart about 3 pm the former day and return to the mainland at around 3 am, 4 am the next morning. Traders and fishermen's families always gather at about that time and wait for the freshest seafood from the ocean. 

Looking at this daily market, we hardly believe that Tam Tien market has existed for more than 15 years. In the past, this was merely a place where ships dock. Later, when the number of fishing boats increased, traders gathered more to create a bustling place like today. Seafood used to be the main trade in the beginning but nowadays, there is a wider variety of goods.


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