Fish market at Tam Tien

Tam Tien Commnune, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Province

Phone: 0235.3666333


Fish market at Tam Tien beach in Nui Thanh district is about 15 km from Tam Ky city. Market time is from early morning to about 9 - 10 am. Especially, Tam Tien fish market only meets in the summer, therefore, if visitors travel to Quang Nam in the period from April to July, you should visit this market to immerse yourselves in the lifestyle of coastal area, breathe the salty air and buy many  kinds of fresh and cheap seafood, specialties of the local people.



Fish market at Tam Tien beach in Nui Thanh district is about 15 km from Tam Ky city. Market time is from early morning to about 9 - 10 am. Especially, Tam Tien fish market only meets in the summer, therefore, if visitors travel to Quang Nam in the period from April to July, you should visit this market to immerse yourselves in the lifestyle of coastal area, breathe the salty air and buy many  kinds of fresh and cheap seafood, specialties of the local people.

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