One more interesting experience in Hoi An

Hội Khởi nghiệp nghề truyền thống Hội An vừa khai trương điểm trải nghiệm dành cho du khách tại số 33E, đường Lý Thái Tổ, phường Sơn Phong (TP.Hội An)

Hoi An Traditional Craft Startup Association has just opened an experience place for tourists at 33E, Ly Thai To street, Son Phong ward (Hoi An city, Quang Nam province).

Tourists have pleasant and interesting experiences at 33E Ly Thai To Street.

At 33E Ly Thai To street, hundreds of handicraft products, such as nipa palm paper paintings, lanterns, bamboo art, embroidery art, and unicorn head stickers, will help domestic and foreign tourists have the experiences they want.

Calligrapher Bui Hien shared that these products are unique art, typical cultural nuances of Quang Land in general and Hoi An in particular, and the local artisans' own creativity, especially products that are very environmentally friendly. The place will attract tourists.

Inside the experience area

Most of these handmade products are sold on the domestic market and exported abroad. They are popular with customers.

The opening of additional experience points aims to promote and diversify tourism products to attract tourists to Hoi An.

A space of Hoi An colourful lanterns.