Tu Ron terraced fields


Price: Free

Phone: 0978.436435

Time to visit a place: 60 minutes

Open Time: 6:00 AM - Close Time: 5:00 PM

Email: hieptd@quangnam.gov.vn

Address: Tra Nam Commune, Nam Tra My District, Quang Nam Province

Tu Ron terraced fields are located in village 2, Tra Nam commune, Nam Tra My district, 18km south of the district center. Run along the romantic Tranh river for about 40 minutes, the newly opened asphalt road is flat, winds along a huge stretch, looks majestic from afar. On both sides of the road, wildflowers bloom and enjoy the warm spring sunshine. Under the golden morning sun, the wild flowers are bright yellow, bright red, and purple, they contribute to beauty of the road in the first day of spring. The gateway to village 5 is the Dac Pxi concrete bridge spanning the Tranh river. This is the largest bridge in Nam Tra My with a length of more than 200 meters and enough width for 2 cars to cross at the same time. From this bridge, if you run to the left side of the river, you will reach the village of Long Tuc, Mang Lu, Tong De, and on the other side of the Tranh River are Long Rieu, Ngoc Le, Mang Lanh... The village here are crowded with residents, the houses are solidly built, clean and airy, and next to the village, the granaries seem to be ... See more



Tu Ron terraced fields are located in village 2, Tra Nam commune, Nam Tra My district, 18km south of the district center. Run along the romantic Tranh river for about 40 minutes, the newly opened asphalt road is flat, winds along a huge stretch, looks majestic from afar. On both sides of the road, wildflowers bloom and enjoy the warm spring sunshine. Under the golden morning sun, the wild flowers are bright yellow, bright red, and purple, they contribute to beauty of the road in the first day of spring. The gateway to village 5 is the Dac Pxi concrete bridge spanning the Tranh river. This is the largest bridge in Nam Tra My with a length of more than 200 meters and enough width for 2 cars to cross at the same time. From this bridge, if you run to the left side of the river, you will reach the village of Long Tuc, Mang Lu, Tong De, and on the other side of the Tranh River are Long Rieu, Ngoc Le, Mang Lanh... The village here are crowded with residents, the houses are solidly built, clean and airy, and next to the village, the granaries seem to be inclined to fall because they are full of rice and paddy.

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