A Vuong Hydroelectricity


Price: Free

Phone: 0235.3898262

Time to visit a place: 120 minutes

Open Time: 12:00 AM - Close Time: 11:59 PM

Email: tinhvannguyen007@gmail.com

Address: Ma Cooi Commune, Dong Giang District, Quang Nam Province

As a highland district with a dense system of rivers, Dong Giang district not only has a landscape of mountains, rivers, streams and rapids but also a system of hydropower plants, including Song Kon and A Vuong. Hydroelectric projects have a great significance for the socio-economic development of the country in general and of Quang Nam province in particular. A Vuong hydropower plant started construction in August 2003. This project was created by a lot of sweat, tears, enthusiasm and expectations of officials, engineers and construction workers. The project has a ladder design including a system of weirs, spillways, energy lines and a hydroelectric power plant with two units with a total capacity of 210MW, the average electricity output of 815 million kWh per year. The main catergories of the work are located in dangerous locations with special geology. The highlight of A Vuong hydropower project is the large reservoir bed on an area of ​​1,000 hectares. Surrounding the lakebed area is a place with favorable conditions for aquatic species to grow and develop, which has many advantages for ecotourism development. It can be said that, with the available potential of the Song Kon and A Vuong hydropower reservoirs, the ... See more



As a highland district with a dense system of rivers, Dong Giang district not only has a landscape of mountains, rivers, streams and rapids but also a system of hydropower plants, including Song Kon and A Vuong. Hydroelectric projects have a great significance for the socio-economic development of the country in general and of Quang Nam province in particular. A Vuong hydropower plant started construction in August 2003. This project was created by a lot of sweat, tears, enthusiasm and expectations of officials, engineers and construction workers. The project has a ladder design including a system of weirs, spillways, energy lines and a hydroelectric power plant with two units with a total capacity of 210MW, the average electricity output of 815 million kWh per year. The main catergories of the work are located in dangerous locations with special geology. The highlight of A Vuong hydropower project is the large reservoir bed on an area of ​​1,000 hectares. Surrounding the lakebed area is a place with favorable conditions for aquatic species to grow and develop, which has many advantages for ecotourism development. It can be said that, with the available potential of the Song Kon and A Vuong hydropower reservoirs, the development of tourism and services associated with afforestation and aquaculture is one of the important factors for economic development. The A Vuong and Kon River hydroelectric projects stand tall across the A Vuong and Kon Rivers, providing a source of electricity to light up a great thousands of majestic Truong Sons. Convinced that with what nature favors, the A Vuong hydropower reservoir will not only become an ideal eco-tourism destination, but also create conditions for the people here to develop a sustainable economy from afforestation and aquaculture

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